A Guide to Study in Germany for Free

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Many students around the globe aspire to study in Germany for free. You can also study in Germany by knowing its simple process. Among Europe’s best countries to study, Germany is a prominent option for the students all over the world.

The German educational institutes are a combination of world-class universities and a high standard of living. Therefore, hundreds of Indian, Nigerian, Chinese and other country’s students are studying in Germany.

Therefore, this blog features 12 universities in Germany that offer free education. So, let’s figure out the choices for pursuing your career.

Why some German institutes provide free study?

German universities and colleges that offer free education aim to provide affordable education and enhance students’ employability. International students, beside of nationality, don’t need to pay tuition fees at several public universities in Germany.

As a result, talented German and international students complete their education with no constrains of money. Ultimately, students become employees, fill up the labour gap and contribute to different sectors of economy.

So a free, high-quality and affordable education system ultimately strengthens the German economy.

What is the eligibility for free study in Germany?

In reality, any foreign student from anywhere in the world may study in Germany for free. You will, however, need to meet admission conditions.

Non-European citizens, Germans, and all Europeans can study for free in Germany. Whether students are from the European Union or the EEA, they can enroll in Germany public universities.

In addition, if you are not from the European Union, get a residence permit before entering Germany.

No tuition fee universities in Germany

12 Best Tuition Free Universities in Germany for foreign Students

In fact, over 300 public universities in Germany educating for free to the international students. There are over one thousand courses and study programs available for the students. So, the students have ample of options.

Following are the top 12 tuition-free universities in Germany:

  1. Technical University of Braunschweig (TUB),
  2. Goethe University of Frankfurt
  3. The RAU (RWTH Aachen University)
  4. TUM University (Technical University of Munich)
  5. The UNI (University of Münster)
  6. LMU (Ludwig Maximilians University Munich)
  7. Ruhr University Bochum
  8. The University of Cologne
  9. The UoH (University of Hamburg)
  10. Friedrich–Alexander University (FAU)
  11. The UDE (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  12. The University of Bonn (UoB)

Learn more about tuition-free universities in Germany by exploring some important details in the next paragraphs. This will help you choose a suitable institute and course.

Technical University of Braunschweig (TUB)

In Northern Germany, TUB (Technische Universität Braunschweig) is the greatest technical institution. In reality, Braunschweig is one of the famous research regions in Europe.

The Technical University of Braunschweig has excellent facilities for over 18,500 students, and about 3,000 of them are international students.

Also, the TUB offers 84 different study programs. Students from Asia and Europe make up most of the international student population. The TUB is currently home to students from every continent.

The following are some important links:

Scholarship at TUB

At TUB, international students are eligible to apply for scholarships in all degree programs. In addition, university scholarships are an alternative to BAföG, student loans, and part-time employment.

The good thing is even you are not an excellent student and have an average academic record, you may be eligible for scholarship from the Technical University of Braunschweig.

Goethe University of Frankfurt (GUF)

The Goethe University is serving since 1914. Presently, the GUF has over 48,000 students, including almost 8000 international students from 150 countries. It is also prominent as the third large university in Germany.

Goethe University was ranked among the top 100-150 in 2019, according to Shanghai academic world universities ranking.

Each year, Goethe University Frankfurt (GUF) sends and receives about 900 exchange students. Also, the GUF welcomes about 100 international students each year.

So, if you are wishing to study in Goethe University Frankfurt, go through the details mentioned on the official website of the university.

RWTH Aachen University

Besides being the largest university of technology in Germany, RWTH Aachen University is also one of the most renowned universities in Europe.

The RWTHA enrolls around 47,000 students in the year 2020, including 12,000 students with an international background.

Additionally, RWTH Aachen is one of Europe’s leading research institutions with 260 institutes in 9 faculties. There are 45,884 students enrolled in 154 courses over 120 countries enrolled in year 2019-20.

Courses, Programs & Admission

There are 260 institutes at RWTH Aachen University, out of which 16 offer private courses. That includes Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral Programs.

Admission requirements at the RWTH for foreign students are explained category wise on their website.

The TUM (Technical University of Munich)

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) was built in 1868 and operates campuses in Garching, Freising, Heilbronn, Straubing, and Singapore. Also, the TUM is one of Europe’s top universities.

Programs & Admission

The TUM has 15 schools and faculties and offering 178 courses, many of them taught in English. Extensive details about admission at the Technical University of Munich available on their site.

The University of Münster (WWU)

A public research university in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, and the University of, Münster (WWU) is located in Münster.

The WWU is managing over 120 subject areas through its 15 academic branches, making it Germany’s 5th largest institution. The WWU Münster has 750 academics and 3,500 international undergraduate and doctoral students from 130 countries are enrolled.

Above all, students at the University of Münster do not pay tuition fees, but must pay “semester fees” for the related benefits. You can find admission and courses details on the WWU Münster’s official site.

The LMU Munich

The Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (LMU) was founded in 1472 and it is Germany’s sixth-oldest university. In fact, individuals from over 130 countries are part of the LUM for study, teaching, and research.

There are several courses offered by the LMU. And you can go through the guide about admission and application process at the LUM as an international student.

Scholarships for international students

Germany and the state of Bavaria offer several funding and scholarships opportunities to international students. Additionally, Munich Student Union offers its support to students.

Ruhr University Bochum

German public research university Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) is situated at the Bochum Germany. The RUB was built in 1962 as a new public university in the Germany after the devastating 2nd world war.

In fact, 42,600 students come to the RUB from 130 countries, and its 20 faculties that further divided into 20 departments.

So, if you choose the RUB to study in Germany for free, ask for details about admission and programs from their international office.

The University of Cologne

The University of, Cologne (UOC) was built in 1798. Currently, over 48000 students are studying there. The UOC offer wide range of programs such as undergraduate course, Bachelors, MBA and Masters in various subjects.

So if you want to choose a program at the UOC. Check out UOC’s official page and find out everything you need to know about applying, registering, and admission.

The University of Hamburg (UoH)

The University Hamburg (UoH) offers over 170 degree programs and Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Studies are included.

For now, all programs are available in English and German. Besides, you can also study some other courses in English language such as,

At the Faculty of Law, all MA programs are taught in English.

  • Business Administration
  • Economics and Social Sciences

For details about courses and other programs you can visit university’s website.


You can find information about student’s application, admissions and other relevant procedure on the UoH website.

Friedrich–Alexander University (FAU)

Erlangen and Nuremberg lie in the heart of Europe. Both cities are home to the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU), which was founded in 1743.

There are 39000 students at the FAU studying economics, the humanities, law, science, engineering and medicine.

Furthermore, The FAU offers over 260 degree programs in a range of subjects.


International students who want to take any course or program at Friedrich–Alexander University (FAU) can find admission details on their site.

The UDE (University of Duisburg-Essen)

The University Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is currently hosting 6,454 international students. The UDE is a public university, located at in North Rhine-Westphalia, in Germany.

Admission & Courses at UDE

The UDE is offering 267 study programs including 127 teacher training courses. So International students, who are interested, can contact to the UDE international office, to know about application and enrollment.

The University of Bonn

Germany’s University of Bonn (The Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University) is one of 11th Universities of excellence and among the world’s best educational institution.

Courses & Programs

You may choose from over 200 academic programs at the University of Bonn. Furthermore, the UDE is offering an array of academic programs.

Hence, you can see the complete programs directory to know about what courses they are offering in English.

Admission & Application

So, if you want to be an international student at the University of Bonn, you can use their application-guide online tool. You will be led reliably and directly to the proper application procedure.

inexpensive universities in Germany for foreign student

Germany study visa- a brief for the Students

The approval rate for Germany’s student visa from India, Nigeria, Turkey and some other countries is quite significant.

In fact, thousands of foreign students are enrolled in public institutions to study in Germany for free each year. Above all, the process of study visa for Germany is straightforward as compared to Canada and United States.

Germany’s Student Visa Requirements

In most cases, foreign students need to get a student visa for Germany. Accordingly, foreign students can apply for study visas at German embassies and consulates from their home countries.

However, some students, because of their nationality, may be exempt from visa to enter Germany as a student.

But regardless of nationality, all international students need to get a residence permit for studies lasting over 90 days.

A German student’s residence permit is valid for 02-years at most. Renewal of residence permit is needed if the study-course lasts longer than 02-years.

Furthermore, foreign students will need to show the immigration that they have sufficient funds in a Blocked Account for a year.

Blocked account for Germany’s student visa

Germany’s student visa applicants need to open a specific bank account and deposit 10,332 euros that is called a blocked account.

The deposited amount remains blocked in their bank accounts until they reach to the Germany as a student.

Application Process for German Student Visa

Aspiring candidates for the German student visa will require certain supporting documents:

  • Visa application.
  • Passport & 02-photographs.
  • Acceptance letter (from German university).
  • Transcript of all academic records
  • Certificate of German language proficiency
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Health insurance
  • Proof of blocked amount

You may also require some other supporting documents if the German consulate or embassy asks for that.


Is ielts compulsory for Germany?

There are two languages of instruction in German universities, German and English. Some universities required IELTS to insure international students’ language proficiency. However, IELTS is not compulsory for all German universities.

To show English-language proficiency, a non-native English speaker may need to take the TOEFL or IELTS test.

Is it feasible to do paid work in Germany while studying there?

While studying in Germany, a student can work there as well. So, any foreign student can perform part-time jobs to afford their expenses like living, food & travelling, etc.

Hence, as a student, you can work in Germany for 120 full-day or 240 half-days in a year.

Can I study in Germany without learning German language?

As a foreign student, you must admit to an English-taught college or University. In that case, he/she can study in Germany without being proficient in the German language.

Is Germany affordable for foreign students?

In contrast to other countries, studying in Germany is not too costly for international students.

So, the costs of accommodation, personal expenditures and socializing are average than in other countries like Canada or United States. So, the approximate cost is around €850 for a month for the students.

I am Indian, so can I study in Germany for free?

In Germany, residents of several countries & regions, adding India, have access to free public institutions.

According to DAAD Germany (German Academic Exchange Service) in year 2019-20, the total number of international students was 411,601. And 25,149 Indian students were enrolled in German universities.


Germany is one of the few countries where students do not have to pay off tuition-fee to enroll, but there are a few exceptions.

This is to say, only public universities in Germany have tuition-free academic programs. Unlike, over 100 universities in Germany are private and they charge tuition fee from international students.

Hence, in this article I have outlined the top 12 tuition-free universities in Germany. Remember, university’s tuition fee policy may change according to the study programs or because of other circumstances.

Thus, if you are an international student from India, Pakistan or any other country and wants to study in Germany without spending.

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