Master’s Degree Programs in UK-8 Important Facts

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Learn eight most vital facts about master’s degree programs in the UK that will help you understand postgraduate studies. In fact, if you’re considering studying in the UK, knowing key points can bring success for you. 

England is one of the most popular destinations for international students because of the quality and the wide range of master’s courses. There are many factors to consider before applying for a Master’s program. Here are some of the most important ones.

study in uk masters

08 Important Facts about Master’s Degree Programs in UK


You can apply to as many British universities as you wish, but each application will cost you from £50 to £250, so be very sure. Also, check the entry and course requirements you are applying for. Usually, the price of the application is stated on the university’s website.


There are various scholarships available for international students for pursuing their higher education in the UK. However, most of the students are unfamiliar that UK’s scholarships can lessen their expenses of the master’s studies.

These scholarships are offered by England’s Universities, Colleges, Institutes and other organisations. So, applicants can get a scholarship for pursuing different courses like MBA, MBBS, Engineering, Law, Journalism, Accounting, Finance, Computing, Teaching, etc.

Thus, you can apply for the UK’s scholarships by filling an online application form on the website of a school or organisation offering a scholarship.

Also Read: 15 affordable universities in UK


Each university in the UK will have a different price for a master’s degree. The price is not set at the same level as for a bachelor’s course. So, there are different prices for Master’s degree programs for British, EU students and international students.

Hence, if you’re British or from the European Union and average price for a master’s course for you will be £7000 to £14000 pounds.

Unlike for international students, the average price for a master’s course will be from £14000 to £20,000 pounds. The price of Master’s degree programs in the UK will depend on the university you’re going to enroll in.


It’s important you have the right qualifications to pursue a master’s course in England. The higher education institutions in the UK require a 2:1 bachelor’s level or equivalent if you wish to apply for a master’s course.

Students may need a bachelor’s degree (a 2:1) or equivalent degree for a master’s degree at the best schools like Oxford University. In other words, the degree grade average of 60% or above would be 2:1 or GPA 3.0 to 3.5.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, such as for applicants with a significant amount of relevant work experience (typically five years or more). Applicants to the MRes in Advanced Computer Science at the Imperial College need prior programming experience.


English is the medium of discipline and imperative for foreign students who are aspiring to enroll in UK educational institutes. So, the students are required to pass the IELTS or TOEFL test in order to be eligible to pursue a Master’s degree program in the United Kingdom.

Typically, British educational institutes require 6.5 IELTS or 92 TOEFL points. Besides, some top institutions may ask for 7.5 points in IELTS or 109 points in TOEFL.


The personal statement is a compulsory part of your application for a master’s course in the UK. As well as a curriculum vitae (CV) and two references you require submitting.

The task is to convince the admissions committee that you are the best candidate for that course. It is a difficult assignment, but there are some guidelines:

In a Personal statement, a student should explain how his/her experience in education and career will help to pursue a specific master’s program in the UK. It is essential to show the motive for seeking a Master’s degree in England. In addition, clearly state your career aims no longer than 1 to 2 pages.

Also, the UK CV’s for the students are commonly 1 to 2 pages long, so you can enter your study and employment experience details. To be considered for admission to a UK university, two references must be provided. One is a letter of recommendation from a professor or a dean.

Otherwise, that could be your current transcript, which shows your grades, where you studied, and the degrees you have earned. You can also use a professional colleague or anyone who knows about your work experience as a second reference. 


The England offers a wide range of master’s degrees programs. You can study a master’s degree at different times of life, for example, part-time or full-time, online or on campus. There are also different master’s degrees available, for example, research degrees, professional degrees and taught degrees.

A master’s degree in England is generally taken after completing an undergraduate degree. The course takes one year to complete. So, the students can pursue master’s degree programs in UK by subject and area of studies, for instance:

  • Arts & Humanities,
  • Science or Technology,
  • MPhil or Philosophy,
  • MBA (master’s in business administration).
  • Masters of Research.


Finally, an amazing fact is that students never know that studying master’s degree programs in the UK gives freedom of choice of the subjects. Yes, you don’t have to take the same course to enrol in the master’s program that you had in bachelors studies.

For example, you have studied Arts at the bachelor’s level, but to study in the UK you are free to do an MBA as a master’s course. However, you will need to show the relevant work experience and genuine interest in the Masters course you want to opt for.


Master’s degree programs in the UK are a substantial opportunity to specialise in your area of interest and build up your career. In reality, universities and colleges in Britain are among the best in the world. That provides their students with the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain knowledge from some of the best teachers and professors in the world.

You will stand out in the job market more if you earn your Master’s degree from a British educational institution. As many of you might know, the UK is one of the most prestigious and sought after educational destinations in the world. It is the birthplace of some of the finest educational programs that one would find in the entire world.

How many years is a Master’s degree in the UK?

If studied full time, it takes one to two years, and if studied part time, it takes two to four years.

How important is Master’s degree in the UK?

In the UK education system, courses are intensive and brief, allowing you to graduate sooner without compromising quality.

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