Affirmative Action in Education in the United States

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Affirmative action in education has long been a hot topic in America. However, in recent times this debate has taken a new turn. This is one of the most controversial issues in American education.

On June 29 of this year 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States invalidated college admissions based on race. Now let me tell you some important facts about Affirmative Action in Education in America.

Supreme Court Judgement on Affirmative Action in Education and U.S. Govt.

The US Supreme Court has written in its landmark decision that race cannot be used as a factor in university admissions.

In its decision, the Supreme Court covered two cases related to admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC). The court has declared the admissions to educational institutions on the basis of caste null and void.

On the other hand, the government’s position on the recent decision of the Supreme Court has also come to the fore.

According to media reports, US President Joe Biden has said that he “strongly” disagrees with the June 29 court decision.

Similarly, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona says the court “took away a very important tool that university leaders used to ensure diversity on campus”.

He added that the White House will issue guidance to universities on how to legally maintain diversity.

What is affirmative action in education?

Indeed, affirmative action programs in education refer to policies and practices aimed at promoting equal opportunities for individuals from historically disadvantaged groups in the United States.

Rather, it is a form of proactive intervention to address past and ongoing systemic inequalities and discrimination.

However, affirmative action programs have been the subject of significant debate and controversy since their introduction in the 1960s.

Goal and Purpose of affirmative action programs

A primary goal of affirmative action in education is to increase access and promote diversity in educational institutions, particularly in higher education.

Therefore, these programs attempt to balance the effects of past discrimination by considering an individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, or other protected characteristics as a factor in the admissions process to American educational institutions.

Likewise, affirmative action aims to create a more equal society by providing historically disadvantaged groups with opportunities they otherwise would have been denied.

Supporter’s View

Proponents of affirmative action in education argue that it is important to address historical disadvantages faced by certain groups, particularly African Americans and other minority communities.

In this regard, they contend that these policies help level the playing field and ensure a diverse student body, which enriches the educational experience for all students.

Therefore, proponents believe that diversity fosters a more inclusive learning environment, fosters cultural understanding, and prepares students for a diverse workforce and society.

Critic’s View

On the other hand, critics of affirmative action argue that it amounts to reversing discrimination and violates the principle of equal treatment under the law.

Therefore, they claim that such policies undermine meritocracy because they favor certain individuals based on their race or ethnicity rather than their merit or achievements.

Additionally, opponents argue that affirmative action can result in the admission of ineligible candidates to educational institutions at the expense of more deserving ones, thereby perpetuating inequity.

Legal discussion

Indeed, the legality of affirmative action in education has been the subject of numerous legal challenges in the United States.

In this regard, in the landmark Supreme Court case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), the Court ruled that even though racial quotas were unconstitutional, race was still a factor in promoting diversity in the admissions process. can be understood as

Similarly, subsequent Supreme Court decisions, including Gritter v. Bollinger (2003) and Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin (2016), have upheld the constitutionality of affirmative action under certain conditions, such as the overall review process. Use and consideration of race as a factor in many.


In summary, affirmative action in education in the United States is a complex and controversial issue. In fact, it is designed to promote equal opportunity and diversity within educational institutions.

It was introduced by considering an individual’s race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics in the admissions process, particularly in higher education.

Although affirmative action has been constitutionally upheld under certain conditions, its effectiveness and fairness remain the subject of ongoing debate and legal scrutiny.

So, after the Supreme Court’s June 29 verdict, it is now to be seen how things turn out on this issue.

Also Read: Master of Science in the USA

USA affirmative action in education
What is affirmative action and its impact?

Affirmative action directs job and student opportunities to minorities and females. These programs attempt to balance the effects of past discrimination by considering.

How might the Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action impact historically marginalized communities’ access to higher education in the United States?

The Supreme Court upholds or restricts affirmative action policies.

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